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14 May 2024

Winner and Top 5 for Challenge # 161

 Good Morning Everyone

Hope you are keeping safe and well

The Design Team enjoyed looking at
your beautiful entries
so without further ado

Here is the Winner and Top 5

The winner is chosen by Random org


No. 14 - Nelleke

Congratulations Nelleke

Please take your winner's badge below

Now onto the Top 5 chosen by Lynda

No. 9 - Nicolette

No. 15 - Margreet

No. 21 - Urska

No. 21 - Pauline C

No. 35 - Diny

Congratulations Ladies

Don't forget to take your Top 5 badge
for your blog


  1. Wat leuk dat ik in de top 5 sta.....dankjewel!
    Gefeliciteerd ook aan de andere toppers!
    Groetjes Diny

  2. Thanks for choosing my card.
    Congrats to the other winnners.

  3. Thanks Lynda for choosing me in the Top 5. Congrats all other ladies.
    xxx Margreet


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